Tag: Mind States
Xenolinguist reports from Basel on mind-manifesting developments
okIt was massive. It was beautifully organized. The shift to a psychedelically informed culture is well underway. 1900-plus people, from 37 countries attended the four day event, according to Dieter Hagenbach, of gaiamedia, organizers of the event. A big bookstore. A room dedicated to video presentations–art and documentary.http://mazerunner.wordpress.com/
Alien Downloads
Altered states of consciousness are portals to multiple worlds. Many of these worlds are populated by sentient entities: gods; demons; plant teachers and animal spirits; Terence McKenna's machine elves. What forms of language are being used to communicate in these "Antipodes of the Mind?" Is language itself evolving in the psychedelic sphere? The Sundance Kid kept asking, "Who are those guys anyway?" The Xenolinguist wants to know what 'they' are trying to tell us.
WARK! a UCLA 22 April 12:30 PM talk followUP^!
Ken Wark gave a mind-blowin' talk yesterday at UCLA! Hopefullly, video/audio should be available from D!MA archives. A Wonderful flow of jargon, tags, andnew categories! Someday we will have tags here on our WordPress app! Wark mentioned WordPress more than once.See a piece here from his new book due out laterfrom Sit
Sunday, April 13
The Guy Debord that is best known is the one who is the author of The Society of the Spectacle, but in many ways it is not quite a representative text. Lately there has also been a revival of Debord the film maker, but here I want to think about Debord is a slightly different light. So I will discuss not so much his writing or his films, and still less his biography, but a game. Beside being a writer, a film maker, an editor, and a first rate professional of no profession, he was also, of all things, a game designer.http://totality.tv/2008/4/13/game
April 22, 2008, 12:30 pm »
McKenzie Wark is the author of Gamer Theory (Harvard UP), A Hacker Manifesto (Harvard UP), and various other things.
IRC interview with Douglas Rushkoff, Tuesday, April 15th, 8PM ET
media maven out of NYC Join us tomorrow at 8PM Eastern as we hold a live discussion with author, teacher, and documentarian Douglas Rushkoff in the #boingboing IRC channel, to talk about some of the work he's doing to move his studies in a "'new' direction," to focus less on the tech/media sphere and towards the nature of money and corporatism
tags go along here?
Six Degrees of Separation/Connection may be in trouble. Why can't 6/degrees find Osama bin laden?
Six Degrees has problems
ScienceFriday.com's version
Chances are you've heard of the 'small world' idea of six degrees of separation. But is it correct?
The idea traces back to an experiment begun in 1967 by Stanley Milgram, in which he tried to trace how many acquaintances it would take to pass a letter between two randomly selected people. The result that entered the public consciousness was that in general it took six steps or fewer to bridge the gap between any two people. But is that result accurate? Judith Kleinfeld,
tags, 6 degrees, Kevin Bacon Effect, six degrees, Milgram,
Burning Men, Part 2: the Order of Things by Erik Davis of techgnosis
How does Erik think this stuff UP^! too much and very nice. R eally gettin' a Clue!
The Perp! above ^
So when Burners invoked specifically legalistic categories like "arson" and "reckless endangerment"–and I did it too at times–they were not just rationally debating Addis' fate. They were actively deflating the productive legal ambiguity of Black Rock City as a self-governing political and territorial space by capitulating, too quickly and without consciousness, to the reality tunnel of the State and, particularly, to its conception of property.
Look, for example, at the constricted lives of so many kids today, with their helmets and knee pads and car-seats, their time managed, their piss checked, their movements tracked by cell phones and prohibitions against aimless wandering. What has been killed in the process of making them less likely to be killed? Perhaps, in our fearful genuflection before safety, we are deadening our taste for the raw and nervy exultation of cognitive and physical liberty–a liberty which most certainly should include the freedom to attend dangerous and wayward festivals where, if your aren't careful or even lucky, large burning things might fall on your head.
Burning Men
Part One: Chaosmos
Constitution Day Program — Interrogation and Intelligence Gathering What happened to the 5th. Amendment?
Seton Hall Law CONSTITUTION DAY Constitution Day will be held in the Law School Auditorium |
Press Release (September 7, 2007) |
Seton Hall Law School is pleased to offer you an outstanding simulcast program in celebration of Constitution Day on September 17, 2007. As you may recall, the 2006 Guantánamo Teach-In was an amazing success, with three hundred colleges, universities, medical schools, divinity schools and law schools participating. A DVD of the Guantánamo Teach-In program sponsored last year by Seton Hall Law School is available. |
Constitution Day Program — Interrogation and Intelligence Gathering
(To view this webcast, you must register a user name and password which you will be prompted for when entering the event. If you haven't already registered, click here to REGISTER ) |
Monday, September 17, 2007 01:30 PM EDT Click Here For Your Local Time |
Connect via Streaming Audio/Video |
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Current TV covers Burnin' Man
Live video cam from burnin' womans
burning man site and info
current.tv coverage of burning man
More current TV 2007 vids day by day
Jonathan Ott on Free/Cheap/Peak fossil fuels/minerals update/comments
v1 – Jul 18, 2007
sample from Jon Ott-
"The End of the Treasure in the Basement", by Jonathan Ott
Jonathan described himself as "not a prophet", but someone who has been interested in the question of energy and the petroleum-based political and economic infrastructure of the industrialized world since the 1970s. He's surprised that the infrastructure has held itself together as long as it has.
Most known organisms derive their energy from the sun, which was properly regarded by many religious cultures as the origin of life.
Since 1979 the amount of energy per capita has decreased, and more people have no access to energy and water every year. We're starting over the hill and soon it will be a cliff. This is important because energy equals life, in a literal and direct equation. What Hubbard pointed out was the disparity between the natural ecology of energy and the economic system of the world.
So we start looking to alternatives to oil, coal, natural gas, and wood. Take nuclear energy � it is highly efficient in generating electrical power, but it requires a huge investment of energy to operate. Nuclear power plants must have their own power plant to run, and it may be the case that nuclear power does not even generate net energy.
Fusion reactors are too little, too late. A best-case scenario is production of fusion power in 2050, and that's way too late.
There are currently four countries that have not yet reached their peak. Jonathan predicts that within 30 years the wheels will come off the global economy. Perhaps as soon as 20, but definitely by 30.
Jonathan's response to this situation has been to create a self-sufficient solar and water power supply that powers his lights, a short-range electric car, and his basic needs. He's beginning to generate all of his own food in a sustainable little farm as well, and his hope is to live to see the day when everything comes unglued so he can see what happens.
Ott is one of my favourite writers and theoreticians.
Author of (Books)
This is a mind-blowing book, especially the Angel's Dictionary!