Hail Eris

Culture Is Our Business
Fun, Bob-meets-Discordia web magazine Anxiety Culture. Great graphics too.
The cliché, "never put off until tomorrow..", can be reversed for people who worry about problems. It's always better to postpone worrying. An effective postponement device is the "˜worry sheet', which is a piece of paper for writing down your problem/worry as it occurs – so you can forget it now, and deal with it at some later date. Minor worries can be postponed indefinitely.
Rather than putting off life's pleasures until after you've solved all your problems (ie after you're dead), you postpone all the worrying until after you've finished having a good time.
The Women's Visionary Congress is a gathering of healers, activists, researchers and artists who are redefining the use of entheogens in contemporary society. This Congress will address the traditional uses of these substances and investigations into their therapeutic applications. Read more…
Annie Sprinkle
Adele Getty
Kat Harrison
Carolyn "Mountain Girl" Garcia
How does Erik think this stuff UP^! too much and very nice. R eally gettin' a Clue!
The Perp! above ^
So when Burners invoked specifically legalistic categories like "arson" and "reckless endangerment"–and I did it too at times–they were not just rationally debating Addis' fate. They were actively deflating the productive legal ambiguity of Black Rock City as a self-governing political and territorial space by capitulating, too quickly and without consciousness, to the reality tunnel of the State and, particularly, to its conception of property.
Look, for example, at the constricted lives of so many kids today, with their helmets and knee pads and car-seats, their time managed, their piss checked, their movements tracked by cell phones and prohibitions against aimless wandering. What has been killed in the process of making them less likely to be killed? Perhaps, in our fearful genuflection before safety, we are deadening our taste for the raw and nervy exultation of cognitive and physical liberty–a liberty which most certainly should include the freedom to attend dangerous and wayward festivals where, if your aren't careful or even lucky, large burning things might fall on your head.
Burning Men
Part One: Chaosmos
A sad day indeed. I mourn the passing of Robert Anton Wilson. Bob, you were (and remain) a great coach.
All Hail Discordia. "The I In The Triangle" (80MB audio mp3 – or get video links at Grey Lodge)
On a brighter note…
Happy 101st Albert Hofmann!