Attention Economy – Google Insights For Search

This from Berkman Center For Internet & Society New Media analyst, Hal Roberts. Fascinating blog post on using Google's new Insights For Search tool to extract, well… insights.

Digital Cameras v. Nigeria

One of my guiding theories of the modern media / advertising landscape is that the extensive real time surveillance of consumers by online advertisers and content providers encourages the growth of content about digital cameras (the content about which is easily monetized) at the expense of hard news, especially international news about developing countries like Nigeria.

The following google insights chart of digital camera v. Nigeria searches over time strikes a blow against that theory:

Read the rest of the post here

See also!!!

Who Wants What? Google Insight on Spam, Pirated Software and Other Fun Stuff

From WorldChanging's Ethan Zuckerman
I'm wondering what other pockets of "undesirable" behavior are mappable via this technique. For instance, searches for "keygen", a popular site that offers serial numbers and software keys to enable pirated software shows a heavy concentration the former Warsaw Pact nations, with some strength in Southeast Asia as well.

See Also!!!

Early adopters vs the Mainstream: Google Insights points out websites only used by Silicon Valley nerds.

From Andrew Chen's blog.
Netvibes is California only – perhaps this is a good candidate for an early-adopter-only crowd?

Here's a couple of my own.
American Idol (red) vs. Global Warming (blue).

Batman (red) vs. Darfur (blue).

Media Maven Robert Logan's new $45 book out The Extended Mind!

Logan's jammed web site for all the free stuff

Trevor Paglen talk 8PM @ the Machine Project L.A.

Secret Black-ops Iron-ons, and the Wrath of KHAN! this weekend at Machine

[Update 11/1/15 Trevor Paglen at Artsy.]

On  Friday, May 23rd at 8pm, geographer and artist  Trevor Paglen  will be giving a talk on the network of hidden budgets, state secrets, covert military bases, and disappeared people that military and intelligence insiders call the "black world." Suprisingly, these "black sites" and non-existent military installations have also given rise to an incredible catalog of black-ops iron-on membership patches that have to be seen to be believed. Trevor recently compiled these patches into a book called  I Could Tell You But Then You Would Have To Be Destroyed By Me, which can be seen (and may be for sale?) at the event.  1200 D North Alvarado StreetLos Angeles, CA 90026213-483-8761

book: Digital Contagions: A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses (Digital Formations) by Jussi Parikka




Joseph Nechvatal
Mid-September 2007, Marrakech


Though no J. G. Ballard or William S. Burroughs, Jussi Parikka nevertheless sucks us into a fantastic black tour-de-force narrative of virulence and the cultural history of computer viruses (*), followed by innumerable inquisitive innuendoes

We may wish to recall here that for Deleuze and Guattari, media ecologies are machinic operations (the term machinic here refers to the production of consistencies between heterogeneous elements) based in particular

To begin this caliginous expedition, Digital Contagions plunges us into a haunting, shifting and dislocating array of source material that thrills. Parikka launches his degenerate seduction by drawing from, and intertwining in a non-linear fashion, the theories of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari (for whom my unending love is verging on obsession), Friedrich Kittler, Eugene Thacker, Tiziana Terranova, N. Katherine Hayles, Lynn Margulis, Manuel DeLanda, Brian Massumi, Bruno Latour, Charlie Gere, Sherry Turkle, Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela, Deborah Lupton, and Paul Virilio. These thinkers are then linked with ripe examples from prankster net art, stealth biopolitics, immunological incubations, the disassembly significance of noise, ribald sexual

Jussi Parikka

Jussi Parikka studied Cultural History at the University of Turku, Finland, and is currently Visiting Lecturer and Research Scholar in Media Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin. His Digital Contagions: A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses is published by Peter Lang, New York, in the Digital Formations series (2007). In addition, two co-edited books are forthcoming: The Spam Book: On Viruses, Spam, and Other Anomalies from the Dark Side of Digital Culture and Media Archaeologies. Parikka's homepage is <>.

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book on amazon

Node magazine started based on William Gibson's new novel, Spook Country!

Listen to latest Gibson audio interview here

William Gibson

Listen to William Gibson
Part one (runs 13:16) | Part two (runs 17:03)

CBC Radio One site and info

 September 19, 2007


William Gibson Bookclub

This week on the podcast a special audio bookclub with award-winning author William Gibson.



"Someone's already named a Web site after NODE, the nonexistent magazine in "˜Spook Country,' " [Gibson] said. "It's sort of scary." – Chris Watson, Bookends: William Gibson explores the science fiction of the here-and-now in his new novel [Santa Cruz Sentinel]

From from

" "Someone has a website going where every single thing mentioned in Spook Country has a blog entry and usually an illustration so, every reference, someone has taken it, researched it and written a sort of little Wikipedia entry for it and all in the format of a website that pretends to be from a magazine called Node,

W. Gibson shows up in Second Life!

Constitution Day Program — Interrogation and Intelligence Gathering What happened to the 5th. Amendment?

September 17, 2007

Constitution Day will be held in the Law School Auditorium

Press Release (September 7, 2007)
Seton Hall School of Law on Second Life: Constitution Day Program on Interrogation and Intelligence Gathering to be Featured at Virtual Guantánamo Bay Detention Center [Read Press Release here]

Seton Hall Law School is pleased to offer you an outstanding simulcast program in celebration of Constitution Day on September 17, 2007. As you may recall, the 2006 Guantánamo Teach-In was an amazing success, with three hundred colleges, universities, medical schools, divinity schools and law schools participating. A DVD of the Guantánamo Teach-In program sponsored last year by Seton Hall Law School is available.

Constitution Day Program — Interrogation and Intelligence Gathering

(To view this webcast, you must register a user name and password which you will be prompted for when
entering the event. If you haven't already registered, click here to REGISTER )
  Monday, September 17, 2007 01:30 PM EDT
Click Here For Your Local Time
Connect via Streaming
  1:30 – 1:45pm EDT Welcome & Introductions
Professor Mark Denbeaux
  Seton Hall Law School
  1:45 – 2:00pm EDT FBI Interrogation Seeking
Mr. Jack Cloonan
  Clayton Consultants and Retired FBI Counter Terrorism Expert