UCLA event UpLoading wars 12:30 PM Design Media Arts

See poster for Theory Series Talks  




April 24, 2008, 12:30 pm

Peter Lunenfeld works at the intersection of media philosophy, design theory, art criticism, and collaborative practice. His books include USER:InfoTechnoDemo (MIT, 2005), Snap to Grid (MIT, 2000), and The Digital Dialectic (ed., MIT, 1999). The Secret War Between Downloading and Uploading: How the Computer Became Our Culture Machine is forthcoming. As creator and editorial director of the Mediawork project, he produced a pamphlet series for the MIT Press that  redefined the relationship between serious academic discourse and graphic design, and between book publishing and the World Wide Web.

 Peter's Site

WARK! a UCLA 22 April 12:30 PM talk followUP^!

Ken Wark gave a mind-blowin' talk yesterday at UCLA!  Hopefullly, video/audio should be available from D!MA archives. A Wonderful flow of jargon, tags, andnew categories!  Someday we will have tags here on our WordPress app! Wark mentioned WordPress more than once.See a piece here from his new book due out laterfrom Sit  


Sunday, April 13
The Guy Debord that is best known is the one who is the author of The Society of the Spectacle, but in many ways it is not quite a representative text. Lately there has also been a revival of Debord the film maker, but here I want to think about Debord is a slightly different light. So I will discuss not so much his writing or his films, and still less his biography, but a game. Beside being a writer, a film maker, an editor, and a first rate professional of no profession, he was also, of all things, a game designer.http://totality.tv/2008/4/13/game  




April 22, 2008, 12:30 pm       »  

McKenzie Wark is the author of Gamer Theory (Harvard UP), A Hacker Manifesto (Harvard UP), and various other things.





Anxiety Culture

Crap JobFun, Bob-meets-Discordia web magazine Anxiety Culture. Great graphics too.

The cliché, "never put off until tomorrow..", can be reversed for people who worry about problems. It's always better to postpone worrying. An effective postponement device is the "˜worry sheet', which is a piece of paper for writing down your problem/worry as it occurs – so you can forget it now, and deal with it at some later date. Minor worries can be postponed indefinitely.

Rather than putting off life's pleasures until after you've solved all your problems (ie after you're dead), you postpone all the worrying until after you've finished having a good time.