After a while the numbers just don't make any sense. Enter information visualization. Check out this BBC article on the efficacy of presenting hard-to-comprehend information visually.
Picture links to larger image at

Culture Is Our Business
After a while the numbers just don't make any sense. Enter information visualization. Check out this BBC article on the efficacy of presenting hard-to-comprehend information visually.
Picture links to larger image at
Great Marshall McLuhan at John Hopkins lecture
found over at StarLarvae. Thanks to Heresiarch for making it available.
Amazing! Walter Ong surfaces! One of McLuhan's major Mentors!
Communication, Technology and the Sacred
Santa Clara, California
June 19-22, 2008
Convention Coordinators:
If, as Walter Ong suggests, technologies of communication and information affect noetic economies (structures of thought); and if noetic economies have to do with what it means to be human; it seems important to consider how the spoken and the mediated word and image contribute to the human soul – or to the sacred. How have technologies and the larger media world altered our experiences of the sacred?