After a while the numbers just don't make any sense. Enter information visualization. Check out this BBC article on the efficacy of presenting hard-to-comprehend information visually.
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Culture Is Our Business
After a while the numbers just don't make any sense. Enter information visualization. Check out this BBC article on the efficacy of presenting hard-to-comprehend information visually.
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Mind Blowing interview with Robert Zubrin on CoastToCoastAm with George Noorey….really worth buying a copy of the audio! Zubrin points out that the move of Oil prices from $10 to $120 per barrel of oil is 1200% ! , Dudes! This is a Bush/Cheney/Republican TAX HIKE! Duh! This is the third person in the media to mention that they thought that people were now trying to break up the USA. Like was done to Yugoslavia and the USSR.
from CoastToCoastAm site
Next, author Robert Zubrin warned that the OPEC cartel wants to crash the American economy and then "buy out the wreckage." He argued for a flex fuel mandate (so that cars will run on both gasoline and alcohol) and said that increased ethanol production is not related to food shortages. 500 million acres of US farmland are not being utilized, and we have tremendous capacity to expand production, he commented.
Viral political satire in a musical theater setting!
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Or here's the link:
I've been hearing a lot about Ron Paul and have friends working on his campaign. I like a lot of what I'm hearing, especially about getting the Federal Govt. out of State's Rights issues, but wonder how he might implement his ideas. Here's a link to a very informative Ron Paul NPR interview (transcript here) that helped answer some of my questions.