"In the end, porn doesn't whet men's appetites–it turns them off the real thing."
Read the article.
Great read. Porn, the tetrad. What does it Reverse? Makes the case for Media Ecology 101 being required course material.
Culture Is Our Business
"In the end, porn doesn't whet men's appetites–it turns them off the real thing."
Read the article.
Great read. Porn, the tetrad. What does it Reverse? Makes the case for Media Ecology 101 being required course material.
In a recent paper reporting on the National Cancer Institute study of multivitamin use and the risk of prostate cancer, the NCI authors cited several possible bias factors. An analysis by Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman shows why the study's biases should be considered before drawing conclusions.
From The Times
April 22, 2005
Txts n emails mk ppl stupid coz they R worse than smking pot & lead 2 a st8 of 'infomania'
By Michael Horsnell
THE regular use of text messages and e-mails can lower the IQ more than twice as much as smoking marijuana.
That is the claim of psychologists who have found that tapping away on a mobile phone or computer keypad or checking them for electronic messages temporarily knocks up to 10 points off the user's IQ.
This rate of decline in intelligence compares unfavourably with the four-point drop in IQ associated with smoking marijuana, according to British researchers, who have labelled the fleeting phenomenon of enhanced stupidity as "infomania".
Research on sleep deprivation suggests that the IQ drop caused by electronic obsession is also equivalent to a wakeful night.
· Chávez hopes venture will aid anti-imperialist fight
· Actor wants to educate US on Toussaint Louverture
Rory Carroll in Caracas
Monday May 21, 2007
The Guardian
CNN Money (Kurzweil's started a hedge fund called FatKat) has a very well written overview of Kurzweil and his career.
I'm not familiar with prisonplanet.com, but they tell the story of a recording E. Howard Hunt made on his deathbed. The tape was recently made public by Howard Hunt's son, Saint John Hunt. On the tape Howard Hunt describes a bitter LBJ and his involvement with the murder of JFK. Hunt names others who were involved in the conspiracy. Five minutes of the tape were aired recently on CoastToCoastAM.com
There is a direct link to the mp3 file here.
What's been bugging me about it is, what if it's true? I mean – just for a minute – inhabit a world where the Kennedy assassination has been solved- We know who did it, who helped who and why.
Now what?
How is justice served over 40 years later? Who's going to pay?
What does it mean? What would change?
How do I heal, or why, or who cares?
Is it just miscellaneous information?
Microsoft has an ad tool for discovering demographics around a keyword search query. Interesting.
Cool (Flash) map of Californians coming and going from the LA Times.
Just a brief collection of notes from today's McLuhan meeting.
We read pgs. 169-172 of Marshall's (Amazon) Take today; the executive as dropout.
Again we are amazed at the insights a book published 35 years ago provides to us today.
Kerry Thornley (Wikipedia) was the co-founder (with Greg Hill) of Discordianism.
My curiosity was piqued after listening to an R.U. Sirius (mp3) interview with Adam Gorightly on the subject of Rightly's new book (Amazon) The Prankster and the Conspiracy: The Story of Kerry Thornley and How He Met Oswald and Inspired the Counterculture.
What happened to Ward Churchill (Wikipedia) in the aftermath of his controversial 911 article? (Basically he's appealing the Standing Committee's finding that his research was flawed while awaiting sanctions yet to be determined.)
Michael made a point I felt worth repeating, although I'm only paraphrasing…
"The Republicans own the infrastructure i.e. the hard assets – they don't care if they bankrupt the country, they'll just re-monetize in the new currency- it's the rest of us who will be screwed."
Pinchbeck on The Colbert Report. (Comedy Central- fast internet and computer required.)
Until next time.
Very interesting article over on Wired with a diagram that puts our energy consumption in perspective. Wow! Now I understand what Michael is talking about when he says the singularity has already happened and it was cheap oil. And I get a much better idea of the gloom and doom side of oil depletion Robin's talking about. Humans consume 1 cubic mile of oil a year and as an example from the Wired chart- the equivalent is 52 Diablo Canyon sized Nuclear Power Plants running for 50 years!!!
Hey, I want one of these things. I want to know what's going on up there. How long before there's a USB model do you think?
A sad day indeed. I mourn the passing of Robert Anton Wilson. Bob, you were (and remain) a great coach.
All Hail Discordia. "The I In The Triangle" (80MB audio mp3 – or get video links at Grey Lodge)
On a brighter note…
Happy 101st Albert Hofmann!
Just to say that B and I were a part of http://www.santamonicacriticalmass.org/ Friday night. I have to tell you it's really some of the most FUN I've had in a LONG time. I mean, I've always loved bicycles and that's a big part of it, but something about 300 of us cruising through the night under a full moon… exhilarating. If there isn't a group near you http://www.critical-mass.org/ maybe you can start one. If you're near Santa Monica or Venice, please join us the first Friday of each month.
I know it looks like it has a McLuhan theme, and it could, but initially I was thinking it would simply be a way for us to communicate with each other easily, i.e. Gerry's Dudley films, events Michael's going to, Robin observations on the road etc. You can post pictures. Videos as well, but I'll have to sort out those details as things evolve. If they evolve. At the very least I'm going to use it to post links to McLuhanesque newspaper articles, etc.